Today is the first day of the 7th Month of the Lunar Calendar. To the Chinese to day is also the beginning of the Ghost Month (鬼月). Starting 11 pm last night, the 'Hell Gate' is opened permitting all ghosts to move freely in the human world. 中元節 or 'Ghost Festival' is celebrated on the 15th day of the 7th month when elaborate foods and 'ghost money' are offered to the visiting spirits of the ancestors.

Based on my personal experience, during this month it is advisable not to bring children outside of the house or to the park after sunset. Not advisable to travel at night or to camp outdoor. Camping in the jungle is a big 'No'. According to a spirit medium, the 7th month of this year is going to be very 'fierce' especially on the 16th night and especially bad for those born in the year of Ox, Snake, Goat and Pig. The advise from the medium is, "don't go out on the 16th night, if you really have no choice, then try to wear something red to 'block' off the bad spirits".