Beng Hock is quite a common name and it reminds me of a chinese technician working for me 30 years ago. He spent most of his time at the construction site, so he was very dark. One day while eating at a roadside food stall in Pekan, Pahang, he was approached by a few officers, they asked for his IC, he showed them his IC, they straight away arrested him for eating before the breaking of fast ( It was Ramadan, fasting month for muslim). His problem was his name 'Lee Bin Hock' (He was not a muslim). I just wonder what would be the outcome if Teoh Beng Hock were to be Teoh Bin Hock.
Yes. Our PM is much better than Pak Lah, may be even better than Dr.M.
Sorry lah !! Anwar, and LKS, you and your people need to work double hard on the Teoh's case !!!!
Yah lah he is very good lah. He promote 'One malaysia', we met hawkers in Petaling Street, he brought Perak back to BN, he was not involved with the Mongolian at all, he dare to correct Tun Dr. M mistake of teaching Science and Maths in English ........and many more. Really respect him
But his people are not so good lah !
Do they know why Teoh's fiancee appeared last night in the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Assembly Hall with Pakatan Leaders lah ?
Do they know that it is so insulting and humiliating to tell her that it needs to go through DNA testing to confirm whether Teoh is the father of the baby ?
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