Prime Minister Najib gave his assurance today, the Lynas project would not proceed should it is scientifically proven to harm the people's health and the environment.
"We will never compromise the safety of the people and the environment." he said.
If he really care about the small Peninsular Malaysia, so small that it can be buried completely by the Western Australian Desert, just ask Lynas to go back to Meenaar, the originally planned location for its rare earth refinery.

Just a simple logic, if the Malaysian Government were to impose on Lynas the same stringent conditions as the Australian Government has on Lynas with regard to health, safety and environment, why should Lynas send the rare earth concentrate 4,800 km to Malaysia instead of sending them to Meenaar that is only 700km away? No businessman will do that. Lynas simply loved 'Malaysia Boleh'. Australian Government will never issue a 'Temporary Operating Licence' to a rare earth plant's application that contained no proposal on how and where to keep its radioactive waste.
And if the refinery can be so beneficial to the host country as claimed, why Lynas, being an Australian firm wanted to give all the benefits to Malaysia instead of to its own country?
I can never trust what Lynas said. They needed this project to save the company that has been losing money for years.

It is possible that Lynas has played out the dumb-dumb Pahang State Government. Lynas knew very well any sensible local resident will object to the project, so they kept the whole project in the dark until the plant was more than 50% completed. By that time, due to public outcry, when the Government oficers finally knew what was this thing call 'Rare Earth', and finally understood what they have actually approved, it is too late and very difficult for the Government to stop the project. The government simply could not tell the people they didn't know what they were doing and what they have approved.

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