Members of the IAEA International Expert Review Panel
Panel leader Dr Tero Varjoranta said the panel would "review the radiation safety aspects of the facility in relation to relevant international radiation safety standards and good practices."
Team Leader
Dr Tero Varjoranta (Finland)
Mr Varjoranta is the Director of the Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology at the IAEA Department of Nuclear Energy.
External Experts
Mr Jan van der Steen (Netherlands)
He is a subject-matter specialist in management, occupational and public/environmental radiation protection, regulatory aspects and education regarding Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) issues.
Dr Leo M. Lowe (Canada)
A doctorate in Nuclear Physics from McMaster University, Dr Lowe is a senior health and environmental physicist at SENES Consultants
Dr P. M. Balagopala Pillai (India)
Dr. P. M. B. Pillai is a senior scientist at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), where he was the Head of the Health Physics Unit, Indian Rare Earths Ltd plants in South India.
Dr Dennis Wymer (UK)
Dr Wymer holds a Ph. D in Mechanical Engineering from the Imperial College in the United Kingdom. He has worked for the IAEA from 1993 up to 2009 where he was in charge of the development of safety reports and training packages on radiation protection and radioactive waste management
Mr Ulric Schwela (Italy, Finland)
Mr Schwela is a subject matter expert on transportation of radioactive materials, works as the technical advisor to the Tantalum Niobium Study Centre in Belgium.
Internal (IAEA) Experts
Dr Magnus Vesterlind (Sweden)
Since September 2010, Dr Magnus Vesterlind is the Head of the Waste and Environmental Safety Section at the IAEA
Dr Horst Monken Fernandes (Brazil)
Dr Fernandes is a staff member of the IAEA’s Wastes Technology Section

The expected outcome from the experts
"The adopted operation procedures and safety measures followed international safety standard from A to Z"
"No problem"

Design and Construction followed international codes and practices
from A to Z

Sound Engineering practices
From A to Z

Fukushima nuclear plants, designed, constructed and operated in accordance to stringent safety rules and procedures and .............
The Japanese Government has Guaranteed.
and........ "Oop I am Sorry"
"Act of God"
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