Before talking about Holland, lets see the possible direction for Dow in the next few weeks. As long as Dow does not have a correction exceeding 3% and it stays above the lower resistance line, then it is wave (V) for Dow as shown below.
Since Nasdaq has already taken the lead in breaking its previous January high, Dow should set its new high pretty soon. Assuming wave (V) can last 3 months, same period as wave (I), wave (V) is likely to end on the 2nd week of May.

If Dow is forming its wave (V), world bourses should be OK and should move within an up-trend channel. Bursa Malaysia should behave in a similar pattern.
In wave (V), fundamentally strong counters should out perform speculative stocks. The followings are my favorite stocks at this moment besides Inch Kenneth, GPacket, IRCB and Rubberex. My dark horse is Mtouche, watch out for its price movement after the listing of its right issue shares and warrants next week

To tour Holland in Spring without visiting Keukenhof Gardens is considered incomplete. I have already bought my entrance ticket online, you can say Kia Su, but I just want to be sure I have my ticket to Keukenhof.