It was reported that our police chief was very angry."Don't challenge us or risk paying the price," said Datuk Khalid. From what he has said, I don't think he was that angry. The sentance looked more like a warning rather than a statement of an all out commitment to catch these 7 robbers. "we will step up petrols....." I am very sad that it needs a crime of this magnitude to get these words "we will step up petrols..." from the police. I hope they really step up petrols not just talk talk only.
When Lee Kuan Yew described JB as a cowboy town many years ago, both the politician and police were angry and considered that as an insult. Why? Because JB is actually not a cowboy town, it is the wild wild west and its boundary has extended from JB to the Klang valley and it is still extending judging from the increasing number of legal and illegal gated housing estates. To me this is worst that the AH1N1 that government is talking about everyday. AH1N1 has not kill anyone in this country so far but the snatch thief and mat rempit have injured and killed many. Be careful and take your weapon with you when you have to walk alone especially at night, you must know how to protect yourself when the police can not protect you.
The gated housing area is useless. Some time last week, 3 men gate crash into one of the house in my area.
Three weeks ago, two man on motorbike smash the window of my colleague's car in broad daylight while stopping at the traffic light with many cars around her; the robbers grab her hand bag putting on the passenger seat beside the driver.
On head count 50 % of us in my office has such similar experience,including car hyjack and house break in within the last two years and they all happen in broad day light.
Recently I was in Penang , my home town. I don't feel save to walk alone in the evening which I used to do so freely even at night.
The wild wild west boundary is not spreading it has already covered the whole country
Sorry for all the grammartical error in my earlier comment. You see I was so emotional when I wrote the comment and just did not border about the "language"
In the wild wild west when the sheriff was useless the town folks would have to declare war against the outlaws. Armed yourself, armed your car and armed your house.
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