Monday, May 7, 2012

Email from a young lady - A little lion

I was watching a documentary about this lion cub that had not eaten for many days other than sucking on his mom's milk.
It is really thin and so poor thing.
So, his mother went hunting and because he was so hungry, he followed along because there is no time for him to wait for his mom to bring the food back.
It was rather dangerous for him because the cub is really weak with hunger.

They walked very far and they could not find anything.
His mom climbed up some low trees to scout, but still there was nothing.
I was getting stressed for the poor baby lion.
Then, a baby elephant came along.

Now, I am really stressed because the baby elephant is also very cute.
Where is its mommy?
How can its mommy leave him alone?
At the same time, the baby lion has to eat.
So stressed.
The mommy lion was planning her attack when suddenly mommy elephant came along.

I was sad that the baby lion cannot have his dinner, but at the same time, relieved that the baby elephant is safe.

So how?

Good thing, a warthog came along, and all is good in the end.

Poor Pumbaa !!


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