Tuesday, May 8, 2012

If you were frightened by what happened back in 2008,
then you are going to be absolutely horrified by what is coming next.

Click "The Countdown To The Break Up Of The Euro Has Officially Begun" from the Economic Collapse Blog for full article.

German Dax is dropping at a faster pace at this moment reaching 6460 level for a 1.6% decline from its yesterday closing level. It has gone below its 20th April low of 6523. The downtrend since 16th March of 7157 continues. The correction from 7157 level is about 9.7%. 

Watch out for the 6346 level and the 'head and shoulder' reversal pattern. A drop below that level can signal big big trouble in front.  

It is another disastrous day for the Greek market. The Athen Index Compos recorded an intra-day low of 610 in today's trading. The index is likely to close around 620 level, which is lower than its previous historical low of 625 set on 10th January this year. From its 6th November high of 5309, the index has plunged 88%. How low is low? The index may drop another 300 points, that is another 50% drop from its current level.


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