Wednesday, March 6, 2019


Dennis Ignatius, "Genuine reform has always been viewed with hostility by Ketuanan Melayu politicians and their followers. For them, anything that limits their ability to manipulate people, institutions and situations to their advantage is quickly projected as existential threats to 'bangsa, agama dan negara'."

"It is no surprise then, that every time the PH government talks about reform, the Ketuanan Melayu propagandists quickly turned it into a racial or religious issue to block change."

"The reluctance of many Malay PH leaders to counter the blatant racism of UMNO and PAS is troubling to say the least."

"It is hard not to conclude that the PH leadership appears to lack the courage of their convictions (assuming they have any) to stand up to UMNO and PAS."

"What hope can there be for reform if even PH ministers are not convinced that the reform agenda is vital to our nation's future? ................"

Click 'Will racism kill Malaysia's reform agenda?' for the latest article from Dennis Ignatius.

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