Thursday, March 7, 2019

Liew Chin Tong calling all Pakatan Harapan supporters.

Liew Chin Tong calling all Malaysian that had voted for the Pakatan Harapan (PH) in the G14 for support in the battle being waged against PH on two fronts following the latest development in the political scene.

"Whether the break-up of BN is real or just a drama, Umno and PAS already attacking Harapan from the Malay flank, while MCA and MIC are attacking Harapan from the non-Malay flank."

"The ethnic-based flanks raids were demonstrative of this attempt to win at all cost regardless of the destruction inflicted.  ....... Theses forces seek to render Malaysia ungovernable for Harapan."

"In this setting, there is no way Harapan can 'out-Malay' Umno, 'out-Islam' PAS, out-Chinese' MCA and 'out-Indian' MIC."

"For the 'New Malaysia' experiment to succeed, Harapan must emerge as a 'people's movement'. The people should not assume that since they have voted on May 9, 2018, (and have changed the government) it is time to sit back and watch. The struggle is not over yet."

"For Malaysians who believe that Malaysia does not need to be torn apart racially, 

those who believe that GE14 was a turning point to build lasting prosperity and peace for all,

and those who want Malaysia to stand tall in the eyes of the world,

we must stand together and form a movement to counter 
the divisive and racial 'movement strategy' of Umno-PAS and MCA-MIC."

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