Sunday, October 27, 2013

Back in Malaysia, I am confused.

When I was in Korea, I have clear blue sky and my mind was clear too

Now I am back to KL my mind becomes blur and hazy and forgetful

If he, who signed all the legal documents,

and the court can ruled that he could not be held accountable for any mistakes, misleading information or inaccuracies in the preparation of the ministry’s documents, then who is responsible for the Rm 4.6 billion PKFZ scandal ?

This is nothing, when the two policemen that have admitted in court that they shot and bombed Altantuya could be acquitted by the court. I am really confused, "Who is responsible ?"

For poor Teoh Beng Hock,

I am still trying to understand the meaning of  "He did not commit suicide and there was insufficient evidence to prove that his death was homicide." So, who is responsible for his death ?

Then the case of Chee Gaik Yap - Datuk's son was acquitted

I don't understand why one person raped and killed a girl is guilty but when you are one of the 2 or more people that raped and killed a girl, you can be acquitted, not guilty!

Then, I try to remember what has happened to that Rm250 million cow that stayed in the condominium

I gave up, I cannot remember who is responsible for stealing the Rm250 million cow, I only know who is the new UMNO Wanita Chief.

Back in Malaysia.



  1. Ha..ha.. you can be even more confused by the decision of learned people and political leaders on the use of the word Allah in Akitab, in Herald, in West Malaysia, in Sabah and Sarawak and by Christian from Sabah and Sarawak when in peninsular Malaysia, by Christian from Peninsular Malaysia teaching to christian of Sabah and Sarawak when in Sabah and Sarawak.. are you lost already?

  2. Oh No !
    Somebody up there, whatever you are called, please help.
