Saturday, January 8, 2011

Heinous crime without criminals

Lim Kit Siang :

After a 17-month inquest, with the best show put up by the best lawyer with 24 years of experience that represented MACC

The Coroner came out with the following:

(No wonder some said the MACC HQ is haunted)

Mnnn Pre-Fall Neck Injury, very interesting.

That lawyer with 24-year of experience has demonstrated in the court how one can strangle oneself, very interesting.

Can one be so frustrated over assisting MACC in the investigation of a suspected corrupt practice involving only RM2,500.00 that he strangled himself ? Mnnn, very interesting.

The accidental actor has this to say

Help to press for the truth is 'Politicising', actor can really talk. May be, the old man has his own MCA's logic, don't talk anymore, let's forget about the whole thing, let's help the deceased's family forget about the whole thing so as not to prolong their suffering as well as MCA's suffering. "

I say, "Hi brother, please don't talk lah, when you talk, I will have to talk, because if I don't talk many people don't like me. When they don't like me, they won't vote me. But if I talk and help to press for the truth, my boss doesn't like me. The more you talk the more I suffer, please lah, help help a little bit lah."

"Discredit the Government" he said.
But I do agree with his thinking this time.

His Equation :

Finding out the truth = Discredit the Government

PM Announced

Set up a Royal Commission of Inquiry as requested to look into MACC's procedures .

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