Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dow - 3 possible scenarios from here

Dow closed the day with a 34 points gain at 11,671. Mini-wave 9 is being formed, can this be the end of the mega wave B ? Dow has reached a potential turning point here. Must monitor very closely for confirmation.

Scenario 1, it is possible that Dow is about to end its mega wave B.

Scenario 2, the mini-wave continues

Scenario 3, Dow continues with wave 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Bursa Malaysia

Looking at the top 17 most active counters on Bursa Malaysia, only 2 stocks are more than Rm 1.00. 12 of the stocks are 23 sens and below. The market is very speculative. I believe there is a lot of short-term traders in the market.

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