Wednesday, September 15, 2010

LKY's Interview

In the last few days, the most talked about topic is the interview Seth Mydans had with Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew on 1 September. Tun Dr. Mahathir 21 paragraph comments on his blog reflected clearly his current thinking and belief. Click HERE for the article.

They are from the same generation, both have gone through the World War II, the Japanese Occupation, the Colonial Government, the Communist insurgence ................ but the way they looked at things is very much different. The followings are some of the points mentioned in his blog in response to what MM Lee Kuan yew has said.

Only now I come to know that the citizenship were given as a reward.

His last line is interesting. There are things they do not want to reveal at this moment.

Let's see what LKY has said during his interview that has disturbed Dr. M

I like this one "I'm open to your cross-examination". In many countries this species is almost extinct.

As the No. 1 in MCA, Dr. Chua has something to say as well.

He is very current, he talked only about post 2008 GE.

I believe he is not an endangered species.

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