Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Dow (30,046) - A new record high above 30,000 level

Dow added 783 point or +2.67% within two days and closed above the 30,000 level. With this 2-day's surge after its completion of its 5-wave c of sub-wave ii, Dow has started its sub-wave iii. Currently Dow is on its mini wave 1 of iii.

The mega wave (3) is expected to take another 10 years to complete. Since the mega wave (1) gained 357%, the mega wave (3) is expected to gain at lest 357% in a normal 5-wave formation unless the super wave VII is going for a 9-wave formation then the magnitude of the mega wave (3) can be smaller than that of the mega wave (1).

From the mega wave (2)'s low of 18,213, a 357% gain will bring the mega wave (3) to above 80,000 in 10 years.


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