Friday, October 2, 2020

Dow (27,682) - Mega wave (3) or Super wave VIII?

Dow rebounded more than 500 points last week and given rise to the possibility that the September 24's low of 26,537 can either be the end of wave (vi) of major wave 1 under the mega wave (3) scenario where wave (vii) or wave (ix) will end much higher than the previous record high of 29,568.


Or it is the end of wave A of major wave 1. Under the mega wave (3) scenario the next wave 3 will go above the record level of 29,568.

Under the super wave VIII scenario where the wave (vii) is unable to go higher than the record 29,568 level to end as a seven-wave wave B of super wave VIII.

Or the next major wave 3 fails to cross the 29,568 level.

For the super wave VIII, its wave C is expected to pullback about 50%.

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