Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Dow (25,445) - The Crucial 25,000 Level

Dow plunged 710 points (-2.72%) to 25,445 level after Florida and California reported record high one-day tallies for new confirmed Covid-19 cases at 5,508 and 7,149 respectively on Wednesday. Arizona reported record high new cases of 3,591 on Tuesday.

With this 710 points drop, Dow has another 445 points to go before breaking the crucial 25,000 level to confirm its journey of no return to the South.

But Dow still have its slim chance to struggle for a while for its unlikely mega wave (3) scenario if it can stay above the crucial 25,000 level. But I am not that pessimistic even though technically it remains as a possible alternative wave count because I expect the Covid-19 figure to move higher with more opening up of businesses.


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