Thursday, February 13, 2020

Orion - The Mighty Hunter

Now is the best time to watch the beautiful Orion Constellation. In Kuala Lumpur at around 11 pm if one stands facing the western horizon and looks up at around 80 degrees above the horizon, one can see the Orion Constellation with orientation as shown below.

The brightest star is Sirius of the Canis Major, the greater dog. The white Sirius formed an almost perfect equilateral triangle with Procyon of the Canis Minor and the red Betelgeuse, the shoulder of the mighty hunter. The brighter blue Rigel marks one of the hunter feet. Halfway between the Betelgeuse and Rigel are the unmistakable three little stars that formed the Orion's belt. As one turns slightly towards the north-western direction, one can see the red Aldebaran, the red eye of the Bull (Taurus).

The sky is surprisingly clear tonight and one can see the constellation clearly with naked eye.


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