Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Year of the Metal Rat (庚子)

According to Joey Yap, in the year of the 'Metal Rat' (庚子)(25 January 2020 to 11 February 2021), the strongest element is 'Earth', a non-moving (like a mountain), save and steady element mean it is going to be a sluggish year. If recession does happen, it will probably be at the end of the year. "Be careful of 2021, the year of 'Metal Ox' (辛丑), because I think that year will be a bit messy." he said.

Referring to the 'Flying Star' for 2020, he said the best location at home is the North-West and the West where wealth, prosperity and happiness are located. Try to spend more time or have your daily activities such as reading, planning, discussion, playing games at these locations. Motion and noises can help to activate these sectors.

Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous 2020.


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