Thursday, January 2, 2020

FBMKLCI - Ended 2019 in the red

Bursa Malaysia ended 2019 with FBMKLCI in the red. It is the worst-performing in the Asia Pacific region. A summary of the 2019 performance for some of the Asia Pacific stock markets and some main European markets is as shown below.

Despite of the trade war with the US, China Shanghai SSEC was still able to move up by 22.34% which coincidentally was exactly the same percentage gain by the DJIA.

Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index gained 9.07% despite of the riots and demonstration since June.

Malaysia FBMKLCI ended with 6.04% in the red. Very bad, even Vietnam can gain 7.62% and the Philippines gained 4.67%.

For FBMKLCI to be able to catch up with the rest of the markets in 2020 the new PH government has to spend more time on improving the economy and administration rather than fighting over issues related to race, religion and ketuangan.

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