Sunday, February 24, 2019

Shame on you - UKM Students

The event organised by the members of the UKM Student Council to welcome Najib outside the university campus reflects the total failure of our education system.

Are these university students the future leaders for Malaysia? If they are, then Malaysia is heading the Venezuela's way.

Aren't they aware of the 1MDB scandal that has made Malaysia the laughing stock of the world? They still believed that Najib is innocent? Or they simply believed in Najib's ideology that 'money is king'.

They are not the illiterates from remote villages. They are supposed to be the more brainy youth that are qualified to enter the University but they appeared to me that they are either unable to think and reason or they are willing to follow Najib in selling the nation for personal gain.

What is the use if I still have to pay toll charges (congestion charges) and are free to use the highway only from 11pm to 5am.

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