Saturday, February 2, 2019

Flying Star 2019

The 2019 flying star chart will come into effect on 4 February 2019 and will last until 3 February 2020.

Good sectors of the house are East, Centre, West, North and North-West. Bad sectors are South-East, South, South-West and North-East. A general guideline is not to disturb the bad sectors. No Hi-Fi, home cinema, construction or renovation at these sectors. Goods sectors should be activated by having more family activities at these sectors.

Five yellow is at the South-West, Three killings at the West and Tai Sui or Grand Duke Jupiter is at the North-North-West corner.

Five yellow is the most inauspicious star, if disturbed, its malicious influence can bring disastrous financial and health problems such as lawsuits, bankruptcy and critical injury or illness. It is best to leave this sector as a quiet corner with little activity.

Three killings is associated with the killing of good fortune, killing of wealth and killing of relationship. But the west sector is also the location of star No. 1, the star of nobility and romance, which is excellent for gaining prosperity, recognition and good romance luck. For this west sector, try not to activate the Three killings by avoiding any earthwork, construction work and renovation work while preserving the good quality of star No. 1.

In 2019, Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter at the North-North-West sector. To ensure a smooth and rewarding 2019, steps must be taken to appease the Tai Sui by keeping this sector quiet as Tai Sui dislike noises and commotion. An important rule is never sit facing the Tai Sui. To get his blessing/support, always sit with the back facing Tai Sui to maximize the happiness and prosperity of the star No. 9.


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