Thursday, September 27, 2018

USD/MYR = 4.1365

USD/MYR is currently forming the sub-wave ii of its wave C.

This sub-wave ii may go to 4.400 to form a 'head and shoulder' reversal pattern before starting its sub-wave iii that can strengthen the Ringgit to 3.200 or 3.000 to one USD.

One event that can trigger the starting of sub-wave iii is the escalating US/China trade war, when China is forced to dump a portion of its holding of US$1.2 trillion Treasuries (bonds, bills and notes).

Dennis Ignatius

"We are running out of time as a nation. We cannot continue to keep fighting old battles; we either fight amongst ourselves and be left behind or unite to compete with the rest of the world".

"The challenges are enormous. .......... If anyone can do it, it is surely Dr. Mahathir and this government".

Click 'Part 9 : China & Malaysia - The Challenges Ahead' for his article.


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