Monday, June 4, 2018

How long can Pakatan Harapan Last ?

A coalition of convenience to oppose BN.

It was a hard-won battle 

Pakatan Harapan won by a simple majority of 113, only 2 seats above the magical 111 figure. This is only the 4th week after GE14 but so many things has happened and some were dramatic. I was like sitting in front of my TV watching HBO. 

Tomorrow will feature our main actress, Rosmah Mansor's venture at the MACC.

As well as the Conference of Rulers to look into the appointment of Tommy Thomas as the new Attorney General.

Click 'Alamak-OutSyed The Box' for an interesting article.

Rais Yatim 'Beh Tahan'

Back to my earlier question, looking at all the events in the last three weeks, how long can PH last?

Is there any precedence in other countries where a dominant government that has been in control of the country for decades being overthrown by a coalition of opposition parties with diverse political ideology?

India (JP 1977)

The Indian National Congress (INC), India's dominant political party, that won 5 consecutive national elections after India's independence in 1947. They were in control of the central government of Indian for 30 years until 1977 when they lost the 6th national election to Janata Party (JP), which was an amalgamation of several Indian political parties with a common goal of overthrowing the INC. 

JP won a sweeping majority (330 out of 542 seats) in the Indian Parliament. But in the following 3 years, continuous in-fighting and ideological differences made the new JP government unable to effectively address national problems. They had two Prime Minister within three years(1977 to 1980). 

In the 1980 general election the INC took back the central government and continued to win all the election until 1996. JP had ceased to exist. 

Japan (DPJ 2009)

The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its allies that had governed Japan since 1955 (except for a brief period in 1993) was defeated by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in 2009. 

DPJ, a coalition of four political parties, after winning the election in 2009, there were endless in-fighting within DPJ. They had three Prime Ministers in three years. On the third year, in 2012,  DPJ lost terribly to LDP in the general election. LDP continued to win the 2017 general election.

Malaysia (PH 2018)

Pakatan Harapan under the leadership of 93-year old Dr. Mahathir that has very little time to spare (considering his advanced age) has inherited a hot potato with Rm 1 trillion national debts, a most bloated civil service in the world, endless problems of race, religion, corruption,etc. etc. But the main challenge to the survival of PH is whether the four component parties can stay united without in-fighting and can effectively address the national problems as a true coalition. 

Don't forget Umno and Pas that have a combined Malay votes of more than 50% are ever ready to stir up racial and religious issues to their benefit. And don't forget the king at the palace.

How long can PH last? The next question is whether PH can win the 15th GE? It depends on whether the 4 component parties can stay united, trusting each other and work like how Dr. Mahathir 2.0 has been worked since he was appointed as the 7th PM.

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