Sunday, May 13, 2018

I feel good.

I have been feeling so nice, relaxing and wonderful since May 10. Why? No more living under the 'rule' of UMNO dude 😄.

Hopefully the new government will be fair, clean and transparent. Hopefully no more leakage and this should be good for the ringgit, economy and the stock market in longer term. Who know ringgit might ultimately go back to those good old days of Rm2.50 to 1 USD.

Dow (24,831)

Dow managed to break the upper channel line on last Wednesday and continued to move high in the following two trading days.

Wave E is usually highly unpredictable. It can either 'fall short' or 'over shoot'. In this case it has chosen the 'fall short' to end its major wave 8. A weak major wave 9 is likely to reach the minimum target of 26,600 to form a 'double-top' reversal pattern. Dow can also end its major wave 9 with an euphoric run-up to unprecedented territory before the bubble burst.

FBMKLCI (1,846)

KLCI can be  'easily manipulated' by moving the prices of a few 'heavy weights'. You might have observed that quite often the index could be moving higher but there were more losers than gainers and vice versa.

By comparing the last 6 months FBMKLCI chart with the Industrial Index, you can see that something is not right.

At this moment KLCI is slightly lower than its record high and yet there are many stocks that have dropped more than 50% from their heights.

Now, for the first time since independence (1957), the BN/UMNO has collapsed and Pakatan Harapan under the leadership of Dr. Mahathir has taken over Putra Jaya. I expect a volatile market in the short term. But under the Pakatan Harapan, I expect both the currency and the economy to improve in longer term.

I have a few possible wave counts for KLCI that I have mentioned two months ago. At this moment I tend to go for the more bullish option - KLCI has not yet completed its major wave 5.


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