Saturday, March 3, 2018

The 9 Flying Stars - Part 2 Good Stars Bad Stars

For 2018 the best stars are No. 8, 9 and 1. Good stars are No. 4 and 6. Bad stars are No. 7, 5, 3 and 2. A star, whether its is good or bad it depends on which period it is in. From 2004 to 2023 is period 8, star 8 is in command and it is the most auspicious star during period 8.

During the last period 7 from 1984 to 2003, The 7 star was the most auspicious star with prosperity for those in the legal profession and entertainment sector.

The star in command of the period is the most auspicious star. The stars for the two following periods are good stars too. The remaining 6 stars can be good or bad depending on their natural characteristic and the location they are in. For the current period 8, star 8, 9 and 1 are auspicious stars.

For example, during period 5 from 1944 to 1963, the star 5 was most auspicious, this '5 killing' star stood for power and authority, was a kingmaker star. Star 6 and 7 for the next two following periods, period 6 and 7, were auspicious stars too. The remainder six stars, namely star 8, 9, 1, 2, 3 and 4 were a mixture of good and bad stars. Even the star 8, the wealth star, when out of the period and when landed in a bad location, could be a bad star that could bring financial disaster or bankruptcy. 

Every year the stars fly into new locations following a fix path as shown below. 

To develop the chart for 2018, one can use the 2017 chart and move star 1 to the location of star 2 and move 2 to 3, 3 to 4 and so on and finally star 9 to the location of star 1.

Similarly one can use the 2018 chart as shown below to develop the chart for 2019.

From the Chinese 'Pa-Kua' each direction is represented by one of the 'five elements' namely wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

For the nine stars, each star has its own element too.

There will be interaction between the star's element and the directional's/location's element.

From the chart shown above, star 8(earth), will be slightly weakened by the wood element at South-East location. Star 4 (wood) will also be weakened by the fire at the South, since wood produces fire it also means it is being consumed by fire. Whereas star 6 (metal) is strengthened by the earth element at the South-West location as earth produces metal. The strength of both good stars and bad stars can vary depending on the locations they are in.

The usual way used by the feng shui master to enhance or weaken the impact of a certain star in a certain location is to use material related to the five elements.

So far I am touching only the surface of this 'flying stars' feng shui. Those that are interested in this subject, you can either do your own research or to get a sifu to teach you.


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