Saturday, November 11, 2017

Mahathir's Bugis Remark

Just type in 'Mahathir Bugis Remarks', wah lau eh, all the following headlines just pop up

What exactly has Dr. Mahathir said ?

I searched and search and I found thus - Mahathir,"Ya lah, maybe it is because he is descended from Bugis Pirates."

Is it true that there were Bugis Pirates in those olden days ? 

From Wikipedia I found the following :

'The Bugis sailors of South Sulawesi were infamous as pirates who used to range as far west as Singapore and as far north as the Philippines in search of targets for piracy'

So we do have Bugis Pirates in the past. 

Is Mahathir saying all Bugis are pirates?

If say Ah Chong is a gangster and I just said,"Ya lah, maybe it is because he is descended from Chinese gangster." 

Am I saying all Chinese are gangster? Have I offended all the Chinese all over the world?


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