Wednesday, April 19, 2017

US$ to Malaysian Ringgit

Since December 2016, Ringgit has improved slightly from Rm 4.48 to 1 US$ to Rm 4.40 to 1 US$

The exchange rate is expected to move to Rm 4.60 to 1 US$ to complete the sub-wave v as well as major wave 7 of B.

Technically speaking, after completing the wave B, the Ringgit should slowly improved to below Rm 2.90 to 1 UD$ over the next 5 to 10 years to form its wave C.

This is something quite hard to imagine in view of our current economical and political situations in Malaysia. May be, Donald Trump is going to mess up the US economy and the US$ or something great is going to happen in Malaysia with the magic of Mahathir. Don't forget, it was during his time that the Ringgit went as high as Rm 2.40 to 1 US$.


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