Wednesday, January 25, 2017

2017 Flying Star

If you are interested to know where are the good and bad locations in your house in the year of Fire Rooster 2017, you may refer to the 2017 Flying Star Feng Shui chart.

2017 Rooster will start on 3rd February 2017 (Li Chun) and will end on next Li Chun on 4th February 2018.

It is interesting to note that the first day of the 2017 Lunar New Year is on 28th January, that was before the 3rd February Li Chun. The last day of this Rooster Chinese New Year is on 15th February 2018 and that was after the 4th February 2018's Li Chun. That means this Fire Rooster year is going to have double Li Chun. Chinese refer to this as 'Shuang Chun Nian' 双春年, and Chinese also believe  双春年 is an auspicious year to get married. 

Back to the 2017 Flying Star, we have 5 Auspicious stars, star No. 1, 4, 6, 8 and 9.

No. 1 white at the centre of the house - The Nobleman Star or Victory Star.

It brings career success, good working relatioship and victory over competitors.

No. 4 green at the north-eastern sector - Education and Romance Star.

It brings good lucks in love, romance and academic.

No. 6 white at the northern sector - Authority and Career Star

It brings authority and career recognition and good fortune in your endeavors.

No. 8 white at the eastern sector - The Wealth Star.

This star brings good fortune, wealth and money luck.

No. 9 purple at the south-eastern sector - The Success and Authority Star.

It attracts fame, recognition, promotion, success and good fortune.

Now we go to the 4 afflicted stars, star No. 2, 3, 5 and 7. 

No. 2 black at the north-west - The Sickness Star.

It brings illness and diseases. Try not to let the elderly sleep in this sector especially for those born in the dog and pig years. If there is no way to vacate the bedroom, try not to have the bed placed at the north-west corner of the bedroom.

No. 3 jade at the west - The Dispute and Quarrel Star.

It brings quarrels and fights that can sour relationships. It can also bring litigation and legal problems. Keep this sector clean, tidy and quiet throughout the Rooster year. No TV, no hi-fi and no no no to karaoke. No renovation too. 

No. 5 yellow at the south - The Sickness and Misfortune Star.

As this 5 yellow is the worst among the four afflicted stars, the southern sector is the most dangerous location in 2017. This star brings misfortune, severe health complication, loss of income and if not handle with care, loss of life. Keep this location as quiet as possible, no TV, hi-fi, karaoke, no renovation, knocking, digging or cutting.

No 7 red at the south-western sector - The Burglary, Litigation and Gossip Star.

It brings vulnerability to being cheated and burgled. It can also bring violence and physical danger. 

Tai Sui ( 岁) and San Sha (三煞) or 3 killings.

We need to pay attention to another 2 locations. The location of Tai Sui and San Sha (3 killings).

Tai Sui is sitting on the west and san sha is located at the east. The western sector is already bad with dispute and quarrel star and now with Tai Sui sitting at that location. We really need to leave the western sector alone and quiet throughout the year. Do not offend him by making noise or in conflict (facing) with Tai Sui. An offended Tai Sui can bring misfortune. It is best sitting with your back facing Tai Sui to get his support.

San Sha (三煞) can bring 3 categories of misfortunes, namely loss of wealth, loss of loved one and loss of one's reputation. It is best to leave this sector alone, no renovation, no noisy activities. Besides the 'Do Not Disturb' golden rule, it is also believed that one should never sit on the san sha location or have san sha behind one's back but instead should confront it boldly. For 2017 it is best sitting on the west and facing the east, with Tai Sui backing and facing san sha boldly to overcome its harmful effects.

For mahjong kaki, remember to sit on the west and facing the east during the coming Fire Rooster Year.


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