Sunday, June 5, 2016

FBMKLCI (1,636) - I am still uncomfortable

Is the major wave 5 that I have been talking about still there ? 

KLCI has been moving side-way, bouncing within 1,620 and 1,640 levels for the last 3 weeks. Is that the mini-wave 1-2 ? If KLCI can move above 1,640 level, very likely, mini-wave 3 of b is on the way but it may not last for very long. After the completion of b the next down trend will be the c wave.

If we are lucky, this wave c can be the end of sub-wave ii of wave (iii) of the major wave 5. The next up will be the iii of (iii) of 5. Then we will not need to worry about a plunge until after mid 2017.

But if we are unlucky, and the major wave 5 has already been ended with a failure as shown below.

Then the coming rebound will complete the sub-wave ii of wave (iii), and the next drop is going to be the sub-wave iii of (iii).

Be very careful, especially when KLCI drops below 1,620 and proceeds to go below 1,600. Make sure to preserve your capital.


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