Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Zhangjiajie 张家界 - Wonderland

I am back from Pandora, a densely forested habitable moon, featured in Avatar.

In Zhangjiajie, the quartzite sandstone pillars are results of millions of years of physical weathering.


Big Canyon

To The Sky Gate

Phoenix ancient town


 It may look small but each of them can swallow away 2.6 billion evils.

FBMKLCI (1,684)


As I have mentioned previously, KLCI is at its major wave 5.

So far it has completed the wave (i)-(ii) and sub-wave i of its major wave 5

Sub wave ii has started.



  1. Hi uncle Chan, glad to see the pics of Zhangjiajie, would like to ask more, is this place crowded when you were there? Still a good place for quiet tour? Scenery looks really great...

    been sometime not to China for tour, perhaps will find some time again soon... just worried about the crowds...

  2. It is always crowded in China. Be prepare for all the pushing, queue jumping, squeezing etc etc. But is worth the trouble.
