Saturday, April 9, 2016

Weekly Update

Crude Oil WTI (US$ 39.64)

Crude oil price is forming its wave c of 4 which is expected to end around US$42 before its final mini wave 5's plunge to below its last low of US$26.

Dow (17,576)

Dow has completed its mini wave 3 with a diagonal minor wave v

FBMKLCI (1,718)

KLCI is forming the mini wave 5 of its sub-wave iii.

EG Industries Bhd (Rm 0.875)

The January high is either the higher degree major wave 3 or it is the one degree lower wave (i).

If it is the major wave 3, then EG is about to complete the sub-wave iii of wave a of its major wave 4. Then the next up will be the wave b of 4.

But if the January high is the wave (i), then its is very likely that wave c of (ii) is about to end and the next up is going to be a very bullish wave (iii) of 3 of (3).


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