Saturday, February 6, 2016

Flying Stars for 2016 Fire Monkey

Want to know where are the good and bad locations of your house? One way is to refer to the Flying Stars Feng Shui Chart and superimposed the chart on the layout plan of your house. Make sure to confirm the directions with a compass.

The 2016 Feng Shui year started on 4th February (Li Chun) and will end on 3rd February 2017. For 2016, the stars arrangement is as shown below.

The most prosperous locations for the Monkey year are East (9), south-east (1) and south-west (8).

Star 9-purple governs success and prosperity. It also brings indirect wealth (from stock investment?) and happiness (making money, sure happy lah).

Star 1-white is the most auspicious star. With nobleman popping up around you, what is that to worry, career, romance, academic, resources, 'soon soon li li', no problem.

Star 8-white is the most prosperous and vibrant sector with plenty of positive 'Qi' and it is your wealth sector.

Bad locations are centre (2), north-east (5), north (7) and north-west (3).

Star 2-black (centre) and 5-yellow (north-east) must be avoided. Try not to stay for long hours (reading, playing games .....) or sleeping in these two sectors to avoid illness, ill luck and misfortune.

Star 7-red (north) could bring unnecessary gossip, backstabbing, litigation ...... Leave this corner as a quiet place, not to be agitated or activated.

Star 3-jade (north-west) is a hostile star that brings misunderstanding, quarrel, fighting, conflict, lawsuit etc. Best not to disturbed. Don't place your powerful hi-fi system there.

4 Green is located on the west sector in 2016. This star is for romance and education. It is good in period 7 (1984-2003) but must handle with care in period 8 (2004-2023). Better consult a 'Feng Shui sifu'

Star 6-white (south) governs career advancement and authority. But unfortunately in 2016, this sector is weak and is where 'San Sha' 三煞 or another name 'three killings' is located. It is best to leave this location alone quietly for one year. No construction, not to dig, to bang, to hammer and to make noise.

Another one to pay attention is the location of Tai Sui . This year Tai Sui or the 'Grand Duke' is located at south-west 3. Try not to clash with Tai Sui to avoid bad luck, emotional unrest, stress and lawsuit.

Many many years ago I bought a small bronz 'Pi Yao' . My 'sifu' advised me to place a Pi Yao at the location of Tai Sui as a protective cure against the negative energy (Qi) of Tai Sui. This is just for my own peace of mind. whether the Pi Yao really worked or not, I don't really bother to verify.

 Happy Chinese New Year to all of you

Huat Ah 2016


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