Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Once upon a time
Kuantan has a beautiful fishing village called Balok.

A beautiful beach called Batu Hitam.

Then came Lynas with one of the biggest rare earth refinery that is located within these beautiful places and it has not made known to the public its radioactive waste disposal method.

Next came large scale bauxite mining that turned the whole area red.

In a dry day

When it rained

When the 'red' reached the sea, we have red sea.

The beautiful Balok river became red river

And the Batu Hitam beach turned red too.

No wonder the latest hit in Kuantan is 'Kuan-tana-merah-godzilla- kuan-tana-merah'

Click ' Why is Kuantan turning all red like Mars' for an interesting article.


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