Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Sigh !!!

Khairuddin and Matthias Chang were finally charged under Section 124L of the Penal Code for attempted sabotage of the economy and the financial and the banking sectors, which carry a jail term of up to 15 years upon conviction.

They were charged for making police reports in Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, France and Hong Kong against 1MDB.

Some criminal and constitutional lawyers said that it won't be easy for the prosecution to prove that lodging police reports over alleged wrongdoing in 1MDB is an attempt to sabotage the economy.

Click 'Lawyers say tough to prove' for the article.

However, if ultimately the prosecutor is able to win the case and put them to jail, then in future any financial analyst, economist, fund managers, investor, columnist etc etc can be put to jail for saying anythings that have a negative impact on economy, finance or banking.

Then a sentence such as 'the assets bubble is likely to burst in 2017' and what Marc Faber has said, 'stocks are about to fall 40% - at least' could be deemed as an attempt to sabotage the economy and those involved could be jailed up to 15 years upon conviction.

Or am I too imaginative ?


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