Tuesday, October 6, 2015

From the Malay Rulers

After the pre-council meeting of the Conference of Rulers, following statements were released by the Keeper of the Rulers' Seal:

* The Malay Rulers want the Government to complete the investigation related to 1MDB as soon as possible and take "the appropriate stern action" to all found to be implicated.

* All enforcement agencies and regulatory institutions such as the Police, MACC, Bank Negara, A-G's Chamber and the Judiciary, as well as related government bodies should be worthy of God's trust and the people's faith with transparency, credibility and integrity.

* And would like to remind leaders of political parties and NGOs not to sensationalise racial and religious issues to garner support from the people for the parties or for themselves.

Click 'The Sultans Have Spoken' for the article from Malaysia Chronicle.


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