Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Dow - Has major wave (6) ended ?

Dow (16,285)

Dow gained 619 points (+3.95%) on Wednesday. Is this the starting of major wave (7) ?

As I have asked in my previous posting whether the intra-day rebound of 987 points (+6.4%) on Monday be considered as the sub-wave 8. If it can be taken as sub-wave 8, then the Tuesday low of 15,666 can be the sub-wave 9. And if wave C has only 9 waves, then it is possible that major wave (6) has completed and major wave (7) has started. The correction is 14.26%, exactly the average of 13.5%  and 15%, the respective correction for major wave (2) and (4).

Mega wave 1, which has 9 waves, of super wave VII continues.

If this mega wave 1 of (VII) can last until 2017, the timing will be just nice for KLCI to complete its major wave 5 before the assets bubble burst.

Hopefully the 29/30 August Bersih 4 rally can end peacefully and our Ah Jib Kor can do something nice to resolve the 1MDB and Ringgit issues and then 'Boom' we have bright sunshine.


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