Monday, July 20, 2015

Democracy in Action - It happens everywhere.


Greece PM, Alexis Tsipras, called for referendum on July 5, urging all Greeks to reject the bailout proposal from the creditors as the conditions imposed are humiliating. 61% of voters gave him their votes, a big 'No' to the bailout terms.
Shortly after obtaining the mandate, Tsipras made a deal with the creditors that would impose even stricter measure on Greece than what was voted on.
This is how 'democracy' works.

'I certainly don't want to be told that the government I live under represents me. What if I don't like any of the people running for office? what if I vote and the person I vote for doesn't win?'

'Or what if I vote for someone and then the person does something completely different than what he campaigned on?'

Greek people just had a referendum with crystal clear result, 'No', Yet Tsipras's government defied the collective will of the people.

It happens everywhere. You can find Tsipras everywhere, messing up the whole country and refused to disappear.

Click 'Should Greece Pay Its Debt' for the article, It is interesting.



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