Monday, March 23, 2015

RIP, Sir

Lee Kuan Yew (16 September 1923 - 23 March 2015)

The man who transformed Singapore from a small port city into a wealthy global hub.

Under his leadership, Singapore with only a single resource - people, is able to out performed many other countries that are blessed with abundant natural resources. By 2011, Singapore's GDP is 66% higher than Japan and 19% higher than the US.

After the separation of Singapore from Malaysia in August 1965, he said the following in September 1965, "This is not a country that belongs to any single community, it belongs to all of us. This is a mudflat, a swamp. Today, it is a modern city and 10 years from now, it will be a metropolis - never fear!" 

He kept his words. He has given to his people an efficient, clean and safe garden city with first class infrastructure. He has left behind a clean, stable, fair, corruption free and efficient government that has visions, plans and policies to ensure Singapore's high ranking in the world arena in every aspects.  



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