Tuesday, March 3, 2015

KSL Holdings Bhd - Continued to drop.

Option 1 - Major wave 4

KSL continued to drop despite announcing a good 4th quarter result. If KSL continues to move lower, it is more likely that the side-way movement in the last few months is the major wave 4. The current down trend is the wave c of 4. Wave c may drop to Rm 1.70.

After completing the current major wave 4 correction, there is still a major wave 5 to go.

Option 2 - Mini wave 2

If KSL can hold above Rm 2.05 and starts to move higher, it is still possible that the current drops is the mini-wave 2 of sub-wave iii.

This is a more bullish option - possible but not so likely.


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