Sunday, March 29, 2015

Berjaya Corporation Bhd

Berjaya Corporation Bhd (Rm 0.44)

BJCorp has reported an earning per share of 19.64 sens for its latest quarter ending 31st January 2015 over the weekend. The sharp improvement is mainly due to an 'one-off' item under 'Investment related income' of Rm 1.053 billion due to the divestment of BAuto shares and the re-measurement of fair value of its remaining 36.74% equity interest in BAuto.

Its profit from normal operation has in fact dropped 23% from 227 million to 174 million for the same corresponding period.

The main question now is whether BJ Corp is in its wave 4 rebound.

Or it is still remaining in its wave 3.

Or it is forming something else other than the two options mentioned ?


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