Saturday, October 4, 2014

Dow - Strong rebound on Friday.

Dow (17,009)

Dow rebounded strongly on Friday. It added 208 points (+1.24%) to 17,009.

This 208 points rebound can either be the first candlestick for sub-wave vii of wave (xi).

OR it can be the mini-wave 2 of wave C of wave (xii) as shown below. If this is the case, watch out for the mini-wave 3, it can be quite damaging.

KSL Holding Bhd (Rm 4.32)

I was expecting the the 1 for 1 bonus announcement on Thursday evening could jump-start the mini-wave 5 of its wave (iii).  I was disappointed, KSL instead of going up, it dropped 11 sens to close the week at Rm 4.32 and the mini-wave 4 continued. Have to be patient :(

The waves of Clark Little



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