Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dow - Still can go either way

Dow (16,677)

Dow added 216 points (+1.32%) on Thursday but the magnitude is not big enough to help me to eliminate one of the options. I still have the bearish option 1.

And the bullish option 2 still hold.

FBMKLCI (1,810)

In tandem with the Dow, KLCI also has its bearish option 1

And its bullish option 2.

KSL Holding Bhd (Rm 4.22)

Similarly for KSL, if KLCI remained in option 1 then the current rebound for KSL is the wave b of its wave (iv).

However, if KLCI is forming its wave d (option 2) then KSL's wave (v) has started and hopefully it can go above Rm 5.00.


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