Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thank You Sir Run Run Shaw

It is very likely that the first movie that I watched in the cinema with my mom and dad  in the 1950's was from you.

It was while I was watching your TVB show from Astro that my wife told me that you has passed away.

Along my journey from a small kid in the 1950's to today's old Apek, your cinema movies, TVB shows, film stars and songs were always there for me to spend my time alone or with my parents, brothers and sisters, schoolmates, friends, my wife and children during weekend, long school holiday, Chinese New Year ........ dating :) ..... when I was happy or moody or boring.

 Hard to imagine how my life would be in those days without Shaw Brothers and TVB.

 Thank You 
for all the happy hours 
and entertainments.


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