Thursday, November 14, 2013

Madness - 200% increase in assessment rate


All those that have property in Kuala Lumpur should have received by now the 'Notice Of Revision Of The Valuation List' from DBKL The revised valuation will take effect starting 1st January 2014. The new value proposed by DBKL is 200% higher than the old value. It is crazy.

The reasons given by the Minister in the Parliament were :
1. The assessment rate has remained the same for a long period and
2. The value of properties has appreciated.

In my opinion, the above two reasons are applicable to all properties in the whole of Malaysia, then the question is "Why only those in Kuala Lumpur are subjected to this revision? What about those in Petaling Jaya, Subang, Penang, Kuching, Johor Bahru, Kota Kinabalu & .......... ?"

 And the Minister said, "We give importance to the people's welfare first." Really vomit blood.

Some speculated that this is to punish those in KL for not voting for BN ? If that is the case, we really need to put in extra effort to choose the right party to run the government.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, i got the same letter as well about the new proposed annual value, the wrong government is creating burden to citizen, wth!!
