Friday, August 23, 2013

Oh My God

Most older generation Chinese believed and my grandma used to say, "Lawyer ah sung-chai-moo-si-fatt".

When both the cops, former bodyguards of Ah Jib Koh and his wife, had admitted killing Altantuya and were convicted and sentenced to death by the Shah Alam High Court, the Court of Appeal has overturned the conviction today.

The three-person panel ruled that :
1. The cumulative effect of the misdirections by the trial judge had rendered the judgement unsafe.

2. The trial judge had erred by not examining whether the contradictions and inconsistencies in the evidence of the prosecution witnesses were material.

3. The trial judge failed to make further finding to connect the explosives to the appellants.

 "Thus with this, we acquit and discharge the two appellants," said Justice Tengku Maimun.

As an Engineer that always play with facts and figures I don't understand what they are talking about but I fully understand the meaning of 'Sung-Chai-Moo-Si-Fatt'. That was why all my children were prohibited to study law, just to make sure that all my grandchildren have 'Si-Fatt'

For further reading on related news click 'Altantuya'.


1 comment:

  1. I have been very doubtful about the truth of Ghost Month. With this type of event keep taking place in this boleh land , I really hope Ghost Month is true and the spiritsoffiedpr of Altantuya , TBH and others would come back and haunt dowm those murderers !!!!
