Friday, August 30, 2013

Interpretation of Paintings

Paintings do convey different messages to different person and the many interpretations may not necessary match what was in the mind of the original painter.

The Starry Night - Vincent Van Gogh

The Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali

Les Demoiselles D'Avignon - Picasso

I is for Idiot - Anurendra Jegadeva

From Anurendra Jegadeva : 

The painting was done many years ago. It is referring to the US invasion of Iraq during George W Bush's administration. The monkey in a fighter pilot's helmet represents the American military might and actions. The flag is an American flag with skull and cross bones that symbolises Bush's foreign policy. The Quranic verse represents the Iraqi and it was reversed to depict the topsy-turvy situation in the world.

But to Muafakat, an Islamic NGO :

The painting is offensive as it allegedly depicts Islam and Muslims as Idiot and had reversed the Quranic verse.

The Police : 

Super speed confiscation of paintings and questioning of Anurendra Jegadeva. Highly efficient when they want. No danger mah.


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