Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Prophecies

A whole new world  
That's where we'll be  
A thrilling chase  
A wondrous place  
For you and me


R : Tengku Abdul Rahman
A : Tun Abdul Razak
H : Tun Hussein Onn
M : Tun Dr. Mahathir
A : Tun Abdullah Badawi
N : Our Ah Jib Gor

A-1           F-6           K-11           P-16           U-21        Z-26
B-2           G-7           L- 12          Q-17          V-22
C-3           H-8           M-13          R-18          W-23
D-4           I-9             N-14          S-19           X-24
E-5           J-10          O-15          T-20            Y-25

R+A+H+M+A+N = 18+1+8+13+1+14 = 55
1957 + 55 = 2012 

That’s it. Time’s up.

It has to end on 5th May.



A : Anwar Ibrahim ?
N : Nurul Izzah ?
W : ?
A : ?
R : ?

A+N+W+A+R = 1+14+23+1+18 = 57

Is PR going to rule for the next 57 years until 2070 ?

With a clean and efficient government and without leakages,
I hope by then our exchange rate with Singapore is Rm 1 : Singapore$ 2.5  


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