Saturday, May 18, 2013

A season of despair and a season of hope

Lim Kit Siang :

"That is where we are at now. We are in the best of times, we are in the worst of times. We are in a season of light and a season of darkness. In the just concluded general election, we thought we could bring change and set up a new government in Putrajaya but we were robbed of this change. It was a period of hope and a period of darkness. Najib with only 47% of the popular vote is the Prime Minister but Anwar with 51% of the popular vote is not the Prime Minister. It is the sense of despair, the sense of outrage, the sense of anger .............."

"Although, there is despair there is also hope. There is also chance for maturity in the future. In particular, we see young people all over the country waking up, standing up for their rights for change in Malaysia,"

Click ' Season of despair and a season of hope ' for the article.

Rights that we will never give up


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