Friday, April 5, 2013

Malaysia Deserves Better

Malaysia is No. 1 in the world in terms of per capita illegal capital flight. Total outflow from 2001 to 2010 is US$285.24 billion (about Rm872 billion).

In 1963 Malaysians were richer than the Taiwanese and the Koreans but today Malaysians are only half as rich as them. 

Pakatan Rakyat has proven that we can run a clean, accountable and transparent state governments. We have overturned deficits into surpluses, reduced our state debts, increased our assets and reserves, and managed to save billions of public funds through open competitive tenders.

Policies which will benefit the people will not bankrupt our country – only corruption will.

Click 'Malaysia Deserves Better' for the complete open letter from Lim Guan Eng.


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